
We’d like to welcome you on the website of amaryllis nursery Gebr. Van Velden.
On this website you can learn about our activities in the area’s:

Amaryllis Bulbs
We breed and multiply amaryllisbulbs and cultivate new varieties of amaryllis bulbs for the dry sale. Through the years we have grown a large assortment of common sorts of amaryllis bulbs, but also exclusive sorts, which can only be bred by us. You can find our assortment for the dry sale below the button 'bulb catalogue'.
Potted Amaryllis
We also breed potted amaryllis. Here for we use good batches from our nursery, or from other nurseries in the Netherlands or other countries. We only work with bulbs of outstanding quality: We pot big sizes amaryllisbulbs with a lot of flowers.
Potted Zantedeschia 
In springtime we breed potted zantedeschia’s. To guaranty a good plant, we plant a big size bulb. The plants have many shoots and flowers in beautiful colours. We use new varieties with strong, bright colours.
We co-oparate with Sureplants Salessupport. You can find our current assortment potted amaryllis and potted zantedeschia  on www.sureplants.nl